About EVS

Home About EVS

beste voorwaarden energieproducenten, slim aankopen

About EVS


Pioneer in the liberalized energy market

The company has its’ roots in the retail of small appliances, but with the liberalization of the Belgian energy market in 2002, lots of questions came from our customers regarding the purchase of natural gas and electricity. This triggered a redirection of the activities towards advice and coaching in the process of energy procurement. EVS energy was born!


In the earlier days EVS-energy worked together with some energy suppliers, but very fast we choose for a completely supplier independent position, where the user of the energy plays the central role.

The best formula for each customer

As we have a completely independent position we have no preference for on or the other energy supplier. This guarantees that we look for the best conditions on the market for customer based on his energy profile. The most important input for this our market know how and the hard data about the energy usage of the customer.

No empty promises

No empty slogans and promises in our company. Before we sign a contract with our customers we calculate the savings that will be generated via our services. If these are lower than the fee for our efforts, we say so very clearly. This manages the expectations and avoids any disappointment.

The customer saves, year after year

For most of the companies the savings are larger (or much larger) than the EVS Energy consulting fee. This is calculated in advance and proven with hard data. Our objective: build a long-term relation with our customers that saves them money year after year. No wonder that EVS energy has built a base of more than 600 loyal customers!



Our team

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